Liberty Counsel

Liberty Counsel is a non-profit public interest law firm and ministry that provides free legal assistance in defense of "Christian religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and the traditional family."[1] Liberty Counsel is headed by attorney Mathew D. Staver, who founded the legal ministry with his wife, Anita, in 1989 and currently serves as its Chairman. Anita L. Staver, his wife, serves as President of Liberty Counsel. A close partnership exists between Liberty University, which was founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell, and Liberty Counsel; Staver serves as Liberty University's law school Dean.[1] In 2004, Liberty Counsel became affiliated with Liberty University/Falwell Ministries and Liberty Counsel opened an office at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Liberty Counsel describes its practice as a First Amendment practice, focused on religious liberties, freedom of speech, church/state issues in public schools and in the public square.


Goals and positions

Liberty Counsel has established its goals revolving around influencing policy and providing courts with the legal rationale to develop precedent favorable to its mission. Although Liberty Counsel has said in the past that its central goal is to educate both its membership and public officials about its view on the role of religion in public life, it now states that its primary goal is to influence policy.[2]

The LC supports the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.[3] The LC also opposes efforts to prohibit employment discrimination against gay workers.[4] The LC further opposes 'the addition of "sexual orientation", "gender identity" or similar provisions' to hate crimes legislation.[5] The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Liberty Counsel as being one of twelve groups comprising an "anti-gay crusade."[6] The LC also devotes its time to fighting against same-sex marriage, civil unions, and adoption by homosexuals.[7]


Liberty Counsel also provides information, research, and expertise to affect legislation and public policy at the local, state, and national level. In particular, Liberty Counsel operates the Liberty Center for Law and Policy, which monitors and drafts proposed legislation.[8]

Notable cases


In 2000, Liberty Counsel threatened legal action against a public library for awarding certificates involving Harry Potter books, because "the certificate of witchcraft endorsed a particular religion".[15]

In December 2005, Liberty Counsel issued a press release accusing an elementary school in Dodgeville, Wisconsin of changing the lyrics of Christmas songs to make them more "secular" and said it would sue the school district "if the district does not immediately remedy the situation."[16] In fact, the school was putting on the play "The Little Tree’s Christmas Gift," written by Dwight Elrich, a former church choir director.[17] The Dodgeville school district attempted to seek a retraction and apology from Liberty Counsel, as well as reimbursement of $20,000 spent in personnel, security, and attorney fees to fight the accusation. Liberty Counsel's Staver refused, asserting, "There is nothing to apologize for or retract."[18]



  1. ^ a b "Falwell Saw Law School as Tool to Alter Society". Chicago Tribune.,1,4880047.story?track=rss&page=2&ctrack=1&cset=true. Retrieved 2007-05-21. 
  2. ^ Hacker, Hans J. The Culture of Conservative Christian Litigation. 2005. Lanham MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 139, 144.
  3. ^
  4. ^
  5. ^
  6. ^,2#6
  7. ^ "First case ever to declare a Vermont civil union is not equivalent to marriage, and a state and federal Defense of Marriage Act permits a state to ban same sex unions."
  8. ^ Liberty Counsel, Take Back America, 2007
  9. ^ 545 U.S. 844 (2005).
  10. ^ "Liberty Counsel Files Brief With The United States Supreme Court In Kentucky Ten Commandments Case.". Liberty Counsel. Retrieved 2006-12-07. 
  11. ^ 382 F.3d 807 (8th Cir. 2004).
  12. ^ "Federal Appeals Court Rules That Public School Teacher May Participate In A Christian After-School Good News Club For Elementary Students". Liberty Counsel. Retrieved 2006-12-07. 
  13. ^ 512 U.S. 753 (1994).
  14. ^ Mathew D. Staver, Injunctive Relief and the Madsen Test, 14 ST. LOUIS U. PUB. L. REV. 465, 478 (1995).
  15. ^ "Jacksonville Library Drops Harry Potter Certificates". American Library Assoc.. Retrieved 2008-10-22. 
  16. ^ School Changes "Silent Night" to "Cold in the Night" and Secularizes the Lyrics, Liberty Counsel, Dec. 7, 2005.
  17. ^ "Have a Holly, Jolly Holiday", The Washington Post, Dec. 20, 2005.
  18. ^ "Haven't heard last on 'Silent Night'; Wis. school board is seeking redress from Christian legal group," Richmond Times-Dispatch, January 14, 2006.

External links